Landmarks, a collaboration with Rufus Mufasa in 2018

Inspired by the Lost Connections series, Rufus Mufasa wrote new works for LANDMARKS, first performed with Unity at Cardiff's annual 'Made in Roath' arts festival in 2017, then later in Newport in May 2019.

In 2017, Robert MacFarlane released 'The Lost Words' with stunning illustrations by Jackie Morris at the same time as the Oxford Junior Dictionary removed the words 'Dandelion', 'Otter', 'Bramble' and 'Acorn,' replacing them with 'Chatroom', 'Selfie', 'Broadband' and 'Blog' - an alarming development which caught the attention of Rufus Mufasa, lyricist, rapper, and performance art poet. Together with 'Lost Connections,' we created an installation and performance called 'Landmarks.' Mufasa and Unity explore eroding connections to the natural world including themes of social media, advertising and motherhood. As Robert Macfarlane casts spells in his book 'The Lost Words', they cast spells too - with loop pedals and vinyl. Landmarks ignites debate about language, nature, poetry, technology and hip-hop culture. 



We recreated an environment of paintings and installation with the support of the Arts Council Wales' Noson Allan //Night Out scheme.


We continue to collaborate on projects that concern language, its connection to place, and meanings.